3 Basic Things That Hinder Youths From Fulfilling Purpose.

3 Basic Things That Hinder Youths From Fulfilling Purpose.
Jul 10th 2020 by Crystal

There are cardinals that must be in place to ensure satisfaction and fulfillment of purpose as a young person. Notice my choice of words. I'm not talking about being "successful". I'm not talking about having money. Not even influence. They are not bad at all. I'm sure you've seen successful people with regrets of what they could have done better in life (this is not withstanding that some mistakes are inevitable and needed in life's journey). You've also seen people with lots of money yet they are empty inside. They are not living for anything.

Our Generation and the next need people that will live for the right reasons. Lead for the right reasons. Be wealthy for the right reasons. It's amazing how we know the right things yet do the wrong things and live with the end results nonetheless. I find it disturbing. So I'll be listing things that can hinder a young person from maximizing and fulfilling purpose. A life worth emulating. Follow me...


1. Carelessness about your soul, heart and mind: This to me is the most important, that's why I listed it first.

Proverbs 4: 23 says "Keep thy heart with all diligence for out of it flows the issues of life". Another verse of the bible, Jesus Himself says "what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and loose his soul" Proverbs 23: 7a says "For as a man thinks in his heart so is he"

You guard your heart, you feed your mind and you keep your soul. All are your decisions to make. I won't go deep into this.


2. Freedom Mentality: An average young person wants to be free from instructions and rebuke from loved ones (our parents especially). We don't want anyone and anything that will tell us what to do. That's why you don't want mentors, you can't submit, you have problems staying on one thing till it's done. You must break free from this freedom mentality. There's always a price to pay for everything in life. Don't be deceived.


3. Short-cuts: This has put many young people in big trouble. We want short cuts to everything. We don't want the process. I understand. The process is not sweet either, but as a young person, your major breakthroughs in life will come the moment you give yourself to process. Make up your mind that there's no short cut to greatness and fulfillment of purpose. You must love and appreciate your process! This can't be overemphasized I tell you.

I hope you take this seriously. Don't forget to comment and share too. I Love You.

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I'm a lady on a mission. I love Jesus.. And I'm all about who you are than what you do.
