Much ado About Success

Much ado About Success
Apr 19th 2024 by Ị̀fèdị̀

Everyone wants to be successful, it is a universal want, however the definition surrounding success contextually can be subjective and relative, today we'll briefly look at a few facts about success and successful people;


1. Success is not a destination, it's a continuum; this is because it takes more to remain successful than to become successful.

2. Success is not just making progress, for example materially, a successful drug baron is most probably making progress in life but succeeds in ruining other people's lives. Success is an amoral concept; this is why we need our values properly aligned so we don't end up doing just anything to succeed in life.

3. Success should be measured according to your present capacity; for example in the financial world, there's a reason why there are billionaires on Forbes list and those on your village/community list. Both are categories of successful people separated by their capacities. If you want more, build more capacity.

4. Successful people are not devoid of fears/challenges, it rather spices up the process, because the underlying risk of failure makes one appreciate success even more. Therefore do your due diligence and do it afraid if it comes to that.

5. Success requires discipline; successful people don't do every and anything, they engage wisely.

6. Ideas are great but actions tests our resolve and belief in what our goals are. The actions we take are the building blocks for success in our chosen path.

7. The pathway of success is paved with the willingness to learn, setbacks, failures, faith and consistency.

Love & Light, Always!

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Human, a believer and social commentator. Sold out to everything that promotes wholesome relationships, a beautiful family life, and in extension a better society.
