8 Truths About Love And Relationships

8 Truths About Love And Relationships
Feb 6th 2019 by Crystal

This month got me reminiscing on the love topic, lol. Welcome to February. We all know love is a vast topic, however it's also important to let you know the hard Truths as it concerns love. And I don't mean infatuation or lust I mean love. Well I hope you know having feelings and attraction is not a guarantee for love; they are too small to be recognized as love. In other words, feelings and attraction can't be substituted for love. So here are some hard Truths about love:

Love is not a feeling, love is a choice; someone once said in a movie, "you like someone because…… but you love someone despite….." JESUS is my perfect and first example of love. He had all the luxury, He had all the power yet He gave it all up by choosing to die for you and I, that is love. I've seen people of different class in life make their choices of who to be with irrespective of what others think.

Love is based on who you are not what you have; you've heard stories of (or you've probably seen) a prince love a peasant/servant or a king love a slave or even the wealthy love the poor? Well I've seen a lot of that scenario. thank That's exactly what love is!.

Love is giving not taking; if it doesn't make you sacrifice, if it doesn't make you want to give your all(time, money, resources) to it to make it better then it's not love.

Here are also some hard Truths about relationships:

Your Spouse/girl/boyfriend can't complete you; by creation default there's a space left for only God to fill in your life and no one can do that job except JESUS. Your mate/spouse is limited just as you are, they can never give you all that you need only God does that!

Be the perfect you are looking for; everyone wants the perfect, caring and loving spouse or boy/girlfriend well I've got news for you - "be that person". How do I mean? You want someone that's caring? Be caring. You want someone that's loving? Be loving. You want someone that respects you? Be respectful! You want someone that doesn't pretend? Be real to yourself and others. Be everything you want to see in your ideal spouse/girl/boyfriend.

Relationships automatically takes the shape of our standards and values; what are your standards? I hope you are not compromising them (negatively) for whoever you say you love? What are your values? Who is at the center of your relationship? I hope it's not Beyonce's kind of relationship you want to have because you'll fail! How do you want to be treated in your relationship? I'll leave you to answer those questions.

Loneliness, desperate need for care and affection is a wrong reason to be in a relationship; someone once said, if you are lonely get a hobby… I totally agree! Deal with your desperation for acceptance before getting into a relationship because it will be the root for failure in that relationship.

Be accountable; have someone older than you and more experienced (either married or in a successful relationship) and be accountable. They say love is blind but have someone to always open your eyes when your feelings won't let you think straight. Someone you trust, who will tell you the truth irrespective of how you'll feel.

So I'll be making more videos on this on my social media platforms, you shouldn't miss it so follow me on instagram and facebook. But hey tell me what you think, if this made sense to you. You are just a comment away(winks). It's February the month of love remember? Lol. So bye for now!

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I'm a lady on a mission. I love Jesus.. And I'm all about who you are than what you do.
