How Healthy Is Your Soul?

How Healthy Is Your Soul?
Aug 2nd 2020 by Crystal

Welcome to August dear! I'm excited this month because we will explore topics ranging from Faith, Wealth, Relationships and Fashion (hashtag FWRF) as it concerns the young person in recent times. I know I will learn a lot likewise you. So today I just want to let you in on the foundation from where we will build the topics on this month which is "The Soul"

I'd like to ask you a question; 'How healthy is your soul?'

The soul of a man is the bridge between the spirit and his body. That's why man is a tripartite being; made up of the Spirit, Soul and Body. 1 Thessalonians 5:23 - "I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ".

Your soul is made up of 3 parts; The Mind, The Will and The Emotion.

Your Spirit can't influence the body except the Soul permits it. The soul is the connector to the spirit and the body. So yes, the Soul is very important. The control system of your life actions is your soul. Therefore, anyone or thing in control of your soul is in control of your life also. This is a very vast topic but I'll just want to point out few points for the sake of this month's series.

If you want your relationship with God to be fruitful and beautiful, you must learn to let your spirit guide your soul and you must constantly upgrade a major part of your soul called your mind. Romans 12:2... "but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God".

If you also want to prosper and have genuine wealth, your soul must be consistently worked on (even as a Christian). Proverbs 23:7... "For as a man thinks in his heart , so is he..." When it comes to having a good and lasting relationship with people, the state of your soul must be healthy!

And lastly, Fashion, if you've not read my posts on fashion you can read them HERE. You should read it. Style is beyond Fashion. Style is a state of mind. I'll leave you with this: Mark 8:36... "For what shall it profit a man, if he gains the whole world and loose his own soul?". I implore you to make a decision today to handle your soul wisely. Decide to let Jesus guide you, through your spirit.

Thank you for reading this, I am sure this blessed you. Don't forget to comment and share! Bye for now.

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I'm a lady on a mission. I love Jesus.. And I'm all about who you are than what you do.
